Saturday, March 8, 2014

Water Tank is full...

March 8, 2014
Rain water has been cascading down and off our roof.  The eaves troughs are so full the water is flowing over top of them.  What a rain!

It has rained hard enough and long enough now that combined with all the moisture from the melted snow, our water cistern has filled.  We put this rain water collection system in last fall after seeing what the dry summer did to the plants in our yard.  We know we have a good well, but we were scared of pulling it to hard.  Our house has a steep large metal roof and is perfect for the collection of rain water.  In about 2 weeks the 1500 gallon tank was full.  We will use this water this spring and summer to supplement our well water to keep our plants and garden watered.

Rubber boots and rain slickers are now in fashion in the village.  The humidity right now is 100%.  You get wet just standing in the air.

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