Friday, March 7, 2014

Snowdrop Flowers ... Spring is Coming!

March 7, 2014
We have found snowdrop flowers in full bloom down by Degnan Bay this afternoon.

There is plenty of ivy growing wild down the banks on the side of the road and so we cut several pieces of it to take home and root.

I plan to plant this ivy in our yard so that it will grow up the fence and possibly the deck posts.

Daffodils are everywhere!

Daffodils and other flowering bulbs are pushing up out of the ground in South facing and protected areas. Spring is coming!

The garlic bulbs that had started to sprout before the snow storm seem to have either died or retreated into the ground again.  I only hope that they will rise again as soon as it warms up again.  The flowers against the front of the house have been blooming for awhile now.

The ditches are full and running fast from the melted snow and rains that we have been having everyday now. The fields are soggy.

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