Sunday, March 30, 2014

Beauty on Gabriola Island

We have discovered the fun of walking the beaches to discover treasures that the tide has brought in. Nothing can match our walks close to the ocean.  There is such a variety of beaches on this island;  from sandy, to pebbles, to rocky and to big boulders.  I breath deep and marvel at the scent of the air.  It is a clean warm smell today.  My walks are short as I am still out of breath from the pleurisy in my lungs but my priority is to stay outside as much as I can to soak up the vitamin D's in the warm air.  So I grab onto this season and all that it offers me.

George and Jake love to go on their walks several times a day, too.  George just needs to whisper the word "walk" and Jake turns all giddy and gets all excited to go.  I think beach trips are his favorite now, too.
Oh, Jake has a girl-friend next door.  Her name is "Annie" and she wants to play with him.  It's so funny to see her looking through the fence at him with her eyes shinning with adoration.  He just tries to be so cool, goes and gives her a quick hello and then turns away pretending he is not interested.

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