Friday, October 31, 2014

Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island, B.C.

Today, we travelled up Vancouver Island to Campbell River.  The population of Campbell River is 35,000.  Here we boarded the ferry to Quathiaski Cove on Quadra Island.

Quadra Island is located across from Campbell River on the inside seaway passage between Vancouver Island and the mainland of B.C., on Canada's West Coast.

Quathiaski Cove is the main port for the island.  Quadra Island is the largest and most populated of the "Discovery Islands" with a population of 2,700 year round residents.

It's here that the tides of south and north Vancouver Island meet.  It's also the borderland between two First Nations groups with entirely different linguistic roots, the Kwakwaka'wakw and the Coast Salish.

It's a rainy day but the scenery is still beautiful.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Our Red Japanese Maple Tree on Gabriola Island

Our Red Japanese Maple trees seem to have liked the spot we had chosen for them this summer.  Now that it is getting a little colder at night and has been so rainy during the day, I have moved them under the roof to protect them from drowning.

I just love the color of these trees and their shape.