Friday, August 23, 2013


There seems to be a heaviness in the air today.  It feels like the "lull before the storm".

The wind picks up and swirls the leaves high up in the tree tops.  This is the most wind that I have felt  since moving here a couple of months ago.  The wind is now swirling the leaves on the ground, too.  Up until now I have only felt only gentle breezes on this part of the island.

There have been gentle breezes but no strong winds, yet.  Perhaps it is the time of the year and location of our property.  It seems that the wind coming from the ocean hits the high cliffs and bounces up the high trees and then goes right over top of us.  We can often see the tall tree tops moving but feel no wind on the ground.

The only cold brisk breeze that I have felt so far is while standing out on the front of the ferry in the middle of the ocean while enjoying the view.

The wind picks up again, swaying high up in the tree tops.  The rain starts to fall gently.  The rain is plinking on our metal roof.  It seems to be raining heavily but it is only the sound of it hitting metal.  After a very short time the storm moves on.  We have received only a smidge of rain and some relief from the sun for the plants.

Gabriola is dependent on rain for run-off and to fill the aquifers.  Most houses have rain water collection systems running into big water tanks so as to harvest the rain.

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