Thursday, August 22, 2013

Picking Himalayan Blackberries, Gabriola Island

There is an abundance of blackberries on this island and now is the time to pick them.  We just have to figure out how we are going to do this so that we do not get attacked and cut up by their thorns.  I have never seen such big thorns and it seems like the stout vines almost reach out to attack you when you reach your hand in to pick the lush berries.
These are Himalayan Blackberries and they grow in thick, dense, impenetrable thickets alongside the roads and sometime occupy whole fields.  The berries that we do manage to pick are delicious.

There are also Trailing Blackberries that grow along the ground and have prickles on them, too.  Your encounter with both of these types will often be unpleasant because of the thorns, but the fruit will compensate for this.

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