Friday, March 11, 2016


While other parts of the country are still firmly entrenched in winter, we are seeing signs of spring on Gabriola.

I love this time of the year with the sun’s warm energy.  I sit in our garden absorbing the warm rays of sun.  I find myself in nature, watching our plants and flowers grow.  Every day I see new things.  Today the camellias are blooming.  This is a way of opening my-self to new inspiration.  My expression of this lately has been through photography, painting and writing. 

I get so much joy from seeing the flowers appear again.  The colors and shapes of them are amazing.  Each flower is lifting their head up to the sun just like me.  The area on the edge of the lawn where I planted all kinds of bulbs is turning out beautiful.  It is an early pop of color to spring.  Jake loves to lay beside the Buddha here. 

I sit back in the Adirondack chair and soak up the sunshine for a few minutes, too.  I find myself outside every day holding onto the beauty of this time of the year that gives me the inspiration to believe in life.  Fueled by the heat and light from the sun I can now go inside and paint.

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