Friday, March 4, 2016

Spring on Gabriola Island

Rumors of spring are abounding.  In the meantime I continue my daily tour of our garden to see what is new.  Although it's a cool day today, I am out in our yard looking to see what is starting to bloom and grow.  There are new leaves on the hydrangeas, there are tiny buds of new leaves forming on the minature maple trees and there are huge fat buds on the camellias.  All waiting for the next couple of days of bright sunlight to pop them open. 

There are the first blossoms of the hellebore, the first tulips, crocuses, grape hyacinths and daffodils.

Oh, I now realize that I am hearing the songbirds again.  Once I hear them again I realize that I have missed them so very much this winter.  Spring is definitely in the air.

There are also snowdrops and small clumps of daffodils growing wild in the ditches now.

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