Monday, June 23, 2014

Artists, Hippies and Eagles on Gabriola Island

Gabriola Island is vibrantly full of old hippies, young hippies and  artists.  You will also find retirees, red-necks, off-the-grids, cyclists and kyakers.  It is generally quiet and quaint.  Not much goes on, not any big time news usually.  It is in fact very peaceful but there is always something to do.

Today I sit and watch the eagles soar.  There are several big groups of eagles going right over and around our house today.  There are so many that I sit down on a lawn chair and aim my camera up into the air and take several pictures.  Once again I realize that I need a bigger zoom lens to get a good picture.  As some of you know, eagles will have a special place in my heart forever.

I also  hear the swoosh-swoosh of the raven's wings as they fly by in pairs.

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