Monday, May 19, 2014

Heather on Gabriola Island

Heather brings bright color into the flower beds in the early spring and late fall.  It is a compact shrub growing in low mounds or mats and is ideal for rock gardens and other spots with well drained acidic soil and full sun.  It will grow 10" tall and 2 ft wide.  Heather should be planted in a sheltered spot to prevent winter drying from the winter winds.  It flowers pink, white, red and purple.  Heather is an evergreen and requires low maintenance.
Heaths - similar to Heather.  Heaths have needle like leaves.  Heather has scale like flat leaves.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Azalea on Gabriola Island

Azaleas are a versatile shrub with beautiful, colorful flowers on it.  Depending on the type they will grow in the sun or shade and like moist, well drained soil.  Some will grow up to 15 feet tall.  Many deciduous azaleas from flowers before the leaves unfurl.  Some azaleas bloom twice a season, on old wood in the spring and then on new wood in late summer or fall.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Gates and fence on Gabriola Island

We have finished our fence and gates now.  It is so nice now not to worry about Jake running away or getting hit by the traffic on the road.

...and Jake is so happy outside now...

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Chickens on Gabriola Island

Historically, backyard chickens where common.  They were an easy to keep food source and would eat foot scraps, bugs, grain or just forage.

Today, on Gabriola there are still a lot of chickens and roosters.  Currently, according to B.C.'s provincial legislation and regulations eggs can be sold legally to the consumer directly on the farm premises or from a farm stand for personal use.  They can not be sold off of the farm premises such as at a farmer's market as the eggs are ungraded and not inspected.

Roosters are known to be noisy.  The hens are equally noisy.  Our neighbors happen to have a few chickens on their property that tend to act up early in the morning.  As Mark Twain said "Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has laid an egg cackles as if she laid an asteroid."

Blue Heron on Gabriola Island

The Blue Heron stands quietly in the ocean watching for fish to catch.  Eventually he tucks his long skinny legs up and spreads out his wide wings, flaps and takes off.